Cliff's IDSFA home
Senior Sign

During his senior year at Harvey Mudd College, Craig Demel had a sign
hanging on the door of his room in the Foothill Apartments that said
"SENIOR" in black block letters on a yellow background. The following
year, the sign turned up at the Seventh Dorm auction and was purchased
by Cliff McCarthy, who was a senior in South that year. The sign spent
the year hanging on his door, and at the end of the year he passed it on
to Jennie Hango, soon to be a South Dorm senior. And thus, a tradition
was born. The sign has remained in South ever since, being passed on
each year to a worthy senior. On the back of the sign, the names of its
owners are listed, a tradition started by Jennie.
This web page serves to track the history of the sign, as well as the
various individuals who have been the sign's curators over the years.
Thanks to the spambots, this page no longer uses "mailto" links. You
should be able to figure out the addresses on your own.
And now, the list of SENIORs:
1993 |
Craig Demel |
1994 |
Cliff McCarthy |
cliff at magpu dot com |
home page |
1995 |
Jennie Hango |
1996 |
Jim Frinier |
jim at frinier dot com |
1996 |
Brian McAleer |
1998 |
Sharon Ungersma |
1999 |
Jascha Swisher |
swisher at bu dot edu |
2000 |
Jennifer Chalfan |
2001 |
Valerie Arndt |
2002 |
Mika Waller |
2003 |
Ben FrantzDale |
2004 |
Ryan Carpenter |
If you would like to add or update a photo, e-mail address or URL, send
mail to cliff at magpu dot com. Also contact me if you're a privacy
freak and object to having your name listed here.
Other links of interest to South Dorm people: